“Gesticulate like crazy to stop an ornery ox.”Carolyn Keen/The Clue in the Crossword Cipher
“I’ll be the Daddy and you be the Sweetie,” said my granddaughter, Dalton. “But where,” I said, “Is the Mommie?”
“Shoveling snow,” said Dalton.
And no doubt Mommie’s voice was a tad anxious after the daily ditherness of a Chicago winter. And perhaps a bit loud. I consider raised voices to be the sideshow of loosing control.
But railing to enforce my own way did not come naturally when motherhood reared its heavy head of hats. When overwrought – I cry.
This embarrassing state can originate with anything from a grandchild’s laughter to a television theme song. My emotions are an old fashioned faucet and the spigot is always leaking.
I look around to see what the research has to say about tears. Most of the information is clinical. A few punches are thrown to non criers, perhaps, they say, because non criers are not as empathetic.
But then criers seem to have a propensity for becoming over emotional – exposing themselves in public, for heaven’s sake.
Not much funding for research on these matters.
I do remember one time when my girls where in high school. I became over burdened with the frustration of a chaotic household. Loosing my imaginary grip, I exploded and yelled at them both.
Their shocked faces are still framed in my mind.
Mary Ann said, “Mama, do you need a hug?” Yes I did. And she wrapped her little bony arms around me and gave me a squeeze that I will never forget.
Sometimes a loving gesture toward your wacky mother is all that is required. Guaranteed to bring on the tears.
Eddie Mae Saute
Mary Ann (granddaughter Dalton’s mother) says that often dinner at our house included this dish which was inspired by a woman who knew a thing about cooking and mothering. Her name was Eddie Mae Inge.
“You just cut up veggies and put them in a pan with olive oil and moved them around,” Mary Ann says, “My absolute favorite.”
In the winter: potatoes, onions, carrots, parsley
In the summer: tomatoes, squash, basil
After saute, pour in a little stock to simmer and season with soy sauce, fish sauce etc. to taste.
Squeeze a lemon on top before serving.
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