
Short Tales of Kindred Meals

I look upon every day to be lost, in which I do not make a new acquaintance.  Samuel Johnson

Ms Cook

As a girl Roben Mounger thrilled to masquerade as Ms Cook. In proper attire: a silk shawl, high heels, hat and handbag, she would report to the breakfast room table where an audience awaited her review of the day.

Because of life experiences with libraries, non profits, cookbooks, local government, television, grants and sales, she is keen on observations of the day as was Ms Cook. She writes about the many weblike connections that become visible as we ramble through life.

Roben was first inspired to write when her 95 year old Grandfather, who while sitting at a table with head bent and hands clasped as if in prayer, looked up at her with bright eyes and said, “So many interesting things to think about.”

In Ms Cook’s Table, Roben seeks to remind herself and her readers about some of those things.